Windsor Dental

Mon to Fri- 8:30am to 5:30pm, Sat- 8:30am to 12:30pm

1 Longview Road, Windsor Gardens, 5087

Lip Enhancement Solutions

Enhance your natural beauty

Lip Enhancement Solutions

At Windsor Gardens Dental we believe that everyone deserves to feel confident and beautiful. Our lip enhancement solutions are designed to enhance your natural beauty, adding volume and definition to your lips while maintaining a harmonious, balanced look. Discover how our experienced team can help you achieve the plump, luscious lips you desire.

Lip enhancement

The Artistry of Lip Enhancement Solutions

Lip enhancement solutions are a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that can transform your lips, providing a youthful and alluring appearance. At Windsor Gardens Dental we understand that achieving the perfect pout requires not only technical expertise but also an artistic touch. Our highly skilled professionals use TGA-approved lip enhancement solutions to add volume, smooth fine lines, and create the ideal lip shape that complements your facial features.

Personalised Lip
Enhancement Solutions

Your lips are as unique as you are and we take a customised approach to lip enhancement treatments. During your consultation our expert providers will discuss your goals and preferences, ensuring that the results align with your vision. Whether you desire subtle enhancement, full-volume lips, or specific corrections, we tailor the treatment to your individual needs, ensuring a natural and attractive outcome.

Lip enhancement solutions

Safe, Comfortable, and
Long-Lasting Results

At Windsor Gardens Dental your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Our lip enhancement procedures are minimally invasive, with little to no downtime. We use advanced techniques to minimise discomfort and bruising, allowing you to return to your daily activities with confidence. The results of lip enhancement typically last several months to a year, and maintenance treatments can be scheduled to preserve your
stunning smile.


Our experienced providers use a numbing agent to minimise discomfort during the procedure. Most patients report only mild discomfort or a slight pinch during the injections. We prioritise your comfort and ensure that the process is as pain-free as possible.

Some mild swelling, redness, or bruising may occur after the procedure, but these effects usually subside within a few days. You can return to your normal activities immediately, though it’s advisable to avoid strenuous exercise and excessive sun exposure for a short time after treatment.

Yes, lip enhancements can be combined with other cosmetic procedures like wrinkle reduction, facial aesthetics in other areas, or teeth whitening for a complete facial rejuvenation. Our experts will discuss the best combination of treatments to achieve your desired results during your consultation.

Lip enhancement treatments are generally safe and suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking to enhance their natural lip. However, during your consultation, our experienced providers will assess your medical history and discuss any existing conditions or allergies to ensure the treatment is appropriate for you. It’s essential to be open and transparent about your health to receive the best advice and care.

A typical consultation for lip enhancement at Windsor Gardens Dental usually lasts around 30 minutes. The treatment itself can vary but typically takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the extent of enhancement desired. With minimal downtime, you can return to your daily activities shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.

Wrinkle Reduction Solutions

Refresh your appearance

anti wrinkle injections

At Windsor Gardens Dental, we understand that looking your best goes beyond a beautiful smile. Our wrinkle reduction solutions are designed to help you achieve a youthful, refreshed appearance. Discover how our experienced team can help you reduce fine lines and wrinkles, restoring your natural beauty.

anti wrinkle injections

The Science Behind Wrinkle Reduction Solutions

Wrinkle reduction solutions are a non-surgical solution to combat the signs of ageing. At Windsor Gardens Dental, we use TGA-approved injectables that contain a safe, purified protein to relax the muscles responsible for wrinkles. This minimises the appearance of fine lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines, resulting in a smoother, more youthful complexion.

Personalised Wrinkle Reduction Solutions

Your facial features are unique, and our approach to wrinkle reduction is tailored to your individual needs. During your consultation, our skilled providers will discuss your concerns and treatment goals. Whether you want to target specific areas of your face or achieve an overall rejuvenated look, we’ll create a personalised treatment plan to enhance your natural beauty.

anti wrinkle injections
wrinkle reduction

Safe, Effective, and Long-Lasting Results

At Windsor Gardens Dental, your safety and satisfaction are paramount. Wrinkle reduction solutions are minimally invasive, virtually painless, and require no downtime. Results typically become noticeable within a few days and can last for several months. Maintenance treatments can be scheduled as needed to ensure your skin continues to look refreshed and youthful.


Wrinkle reduction solutions are relatively painless. Most patients report only minor discomfort, often described as a brief, pinprick-like sensation. To enhance your comfort, our providers can apply a topical numbing cream or use ice before administering the injections.

The duration of results can vary among individuals but generally lasts three to six months. With regular maintenance treatments, you can sustain a more youthful appearance over time.

While wrinkle reduction solutions are considered safe when administered by trained professionals, some temporary side effects may occur, including mild redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site. These effects typically resolve quickly. Rarely, there may be more severe complications, which will be discussed during your consultation to ensure you are well-informed.

Yes, wrinkle reduction solutions can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as lip enhancement, or skin rejuvenation treatments for a comprehensive facial enhancement plan. Our experts will work with you to create a personalised treatment strategy that aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Most patients begin to notice a gradual improvement in their appearance within a few days following the treatment. The full effects of wrinkle reduction solutions typically become apparent within 7 to 14 days. Our providers will guide you on what to expect during your consultation.

Ready to refresh your appearance with wrinkle reduction solutions?

Contact Windsor Gardens Dental today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a more youthful and revitalised look.